- Do not run a sling through a pair of eye bolts – it will reduce the effective angle of lift and will put more strain on the rigging.
- Do not force the slings through eye bolts. This force may alter the load and the angle of loading.
- Do not use eye bolts that have been ground, machined or stamped.
- Do not use bars, grips or wrenches to tighten eye bolts.
- Do not paint an eye bolt. The paint could cover up flaws.
- Do not force hooks or other fittings into the eye; they must fit freely.
- Do not shock load eye bolts.
- Do not use a single eye bolt to lift a load that is free to rotate.
- Do not use eye bolts that have worn threads or other flaws.
- Do not insert the point of a hook in an eye bolt. Use a shackle.
- Do not use a shackle that is capable of lifting more than the eye bolt – the eye bolt may become overloaded.
