- Orient the eye bolt in line with the slings. If the load is applied sideways, the eye bolt may bend.
- Pack washers between the shoulder and the load surface to ensure that the eye bolt firmly contacts the surface. Make sure that the nut is properly torqued.
- Engage at least 90% of threads in a receiving hole when using shims or washers.
- Attach only one sling leg to each eye bolt.

- Inspect and clean the eye bolt threads and the hole. Check for bends, cracks, or worn threads.
- Screw the eye bolt on all the way down and properly seat.
- Ensure the tapped hole for a screw eye bolt (body bolts) has a minimum depth of one-and-a-half times the bolt diameter.
- Install the shoulder at right angles to the axis of the hole. The shoulder should be in full contact with the surface of the object being lifted.
- Use a spreader bar with regular (non-shoulder) eye bolts to keep the lift angle at 90° to the horizontal.
- Use eye bolts at a horizontal angle greater than 45°. Sling strength at 45° is 71% of vertical sling capacity. Eye bolt strength at 45° horizontal angle drops down to 30% of vertical lifting capacity.
- Use a swivel hoist ring for angled lifts. The swivel hoist ring will adjust to any sling angle by rotating around the bolt and the hoisting eye pivots 180°.
OSH Answers